Monday, January 30, 2006

Justice prevails!

As I noted in my last post, I had a date with the traffic court today. It began with a little hiccup this morning. Power was out in parts of downtown, including the courthouse. Only after waiting 30 minute to get hand-scanned for metal (I had hidden my little Leatherman at City Coffee) waiting for 30 in line for the clerk was I informed that the power failure halted the wheels of justice until after lunch.

Upon returning to court in the afternoon, I waited in line get assigned a courtroom and then waited some more for the judge. He seemed like a good egg, so I figured that I wouldn't have lay it on too thick. There were two charges: driving without insurance and improper display of tags. I got out of the first charge by showing him my proof of insurance. I was ready to cop to the second one because my tags had been expired for about 8 months. Rather than hear my story, he asked if I had registered the vehicle. "Yes, sir."

"Well today is you lucky day. I enter a plea of guilty, but I'll waive the fine."

"So I guess you don't want to hear my sob story?"

"Not unless you want to pay the fine ..."

I said my thanks and beat a hasty retreat.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just discovered this blog today, had heard about it via the grapevine but today was my first reading, so I read all your entries at once. I like it. I could especially relate to "blowing the stink off", glad you kept the practice up into adulthood. Could also relate to your poor mother having to make fondue for your birthday dinners. I loved the entry about the jazz music on your porch. Sometimes "less is more" and that little snippet cunjured up good feelings and a pleasant picture. You are a great dad --- baking cinnamon rolls and special spaghetti birthday dinners, and doing so many things with your kids. Your family is very lucky!
I will look forward with eager anticipation to future entries.

6:02 AM  

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